Details of the legal records of Agualab Química Industrial.

We have different sanitary registries to be able to distribute our own products that we manufacture ourselves, in addition to having all the permits in our facilities as manufacturers and packers legally approved by the Illustrious Mijas City Council, passing all the quality controls to obtain these mentioned . We have our own legal laboratory and where we comply with all hygiene and safety guarantees, where we batch check each of our products and verify their effectiveness and required quality before they go on sale.

Each product has a safety data sheet owned by Agualab and each label contains a mandatory registration code that each product must have registered on the label. This code is not transferable and can only be legally used by Agualab before any country in the European community.

We have legal records for the manufacture of chlorine dioxide suitable for the purification of water for human and animal consumption (in compliance with the Second Transitory Provision of Royal Decree 1054/2002), On-site preparation, we will also shortly have an authorized registration of Chlorine Dioxide as a disinfectant biocide for various surfaces and also as a biocide for cleaning applications for food use.

We not only have authorization as a precursor of Chlorine Dioxide, but also as Chlorine Dioxide within the area of biocides.

We very much doubt that in Spain there is another company besides AGUALAB that legally has all the corresponding obligatory sanitary records and inspections.

Be wary of all companies that do not have sanitary registries and guarantees on their labels, so we ask ourselves why risk consuming products without a guarantee when in AGUALAB they have the best quality, purity and hygiene on the market?

We continue advancing and researching tirelessly, to offer our customers better products and better service every day.

Thanks for reading this section.

Ministerio de sanidad          Ministerio de Justicia toxicología forense          Ministerio territorial